Our rules of thumb for sales and leasing.
1. To make money, you have to spend money. To successfully market a property, you need to budget between
one-half to one percent of the property's market value for advertising and related expenses. You can't sell, or lease, what
people don't know you have.
2. Target marketing is the key to successful sales and leasing programs. The Brun Company has experience in
developing marketing campaigns that bring together buyers and sellers, lessors and lessees. We utilize a variety of sources to
put campaigns together, including online real estate databases such as Dory Pro, Co-Star and Loopnet, as well as traditional
mass mail marketing.
3. Follow Up. We don't let a prospect get away. There are real estate companies that promise their clients
good follow-up on leads, but don't deliver. At The Brun Company, we don't take prospects and leads for granted. We follow up
with inquiries and we keep following up.
4. Never take your clients for granted. Why should a client have to guess what their real estate agent or
company is doing?
We keep in touch with our clients, reporting
our efforts and progress to them at
regular intervals. We prepare reports on our leasing and sales activities and forward copies
of print media advertising tear sheets to our clients. Serving our clients well is our first priority.
• See our CoStar listings